An Injured Athlete’s Best Friend. The Game Ready System brings R.I.C.E. from and ice pack and an Ace Bandage wrap to a whole new level. Aside from our clinics, you can find a Game Ready System on the bench or in training rooms of almost every Pro team out there. The system contains different sleeves that cover joints from the shoulder to the fingers and toes. These sleeves have a network of bladders that fill with air and water. The Game Ready reservoir pumps ice water through the water bladder to cover the entire injured joint. While the ice water is circulated around the joint, the air bladder inflates to put uniform compression on the entire joint and relaxes to release the pressure. So, the entire system keeps the joint at a constant ideal icing temperature while “milking” the swelling away with repetitive compressing cycles. The overall effect is a more potent treatment for pain, swelling, bruising, and overall tissue damage associated with sprains/strains. Just add Rest and Elevate to the way Game Ready System does R.I.C.E. and you have the most dynamic and effective treatment for joint sprains or muscle strains in the industry. From sore pitching shoulders, bumped elbows, jammed fingers, to pulled hamstrings, shin splints, rolled ankles, and the bad backs in between - this is the treatment that is guaranteed to get you Ready for the next Game faster. You can either join a professional sports team or call us for The FIX.