This specialty table is my work horse. My favorite tool in treating low to mid-back disorders. I can treat everything from mild aches to severe pain. An F/D table has a torso half and a lower extremity half which is connected to hydraulic pistons. This machine has a mechanical and manual component to the treatment of back pain. The patient lays face down on this table and ankle straps are used to anchor down the lower extremities. The reason for using the straps is because the table had hydraulic pistons that pull the half of the table the legs lay on away from the torso part of the table. After tractioning out the lower extremities I can stand at the side of the table which is raised to the level of my hips, and add an opposing force to the tissue above the injured area to complement the traction. As if this wasn’t enough, the leg half of the table unhooks and moves along a track from side to side so that more traction can be added to the muscles on both sides of the spine. This is a great treatment for aching or muscles in spasm that is always signs and symptoms of low back pain. The healing doesn’t stop there. The F/D table can also be unhinged so that the leg half of the table can be flexed down towards the floor. Once again, I can add opposing force but this time directly to the vertebrae while lightly lowering the leg half of the table slowly towards the table. The treatment here is geared more directly to the discs of the spine and the nerves that exit the spinal column between adjacent segments. By tractioning away adjacent vertebrae we remove the compressive forces on the disc and the nerves in between.
Intersegmental traction table
Everyone’s’ favorite table. A lucky patient lays on this leather topped table face up while three large rollers start spinning under the top cover of the table while moving from along the middle of the table from neck to low back. This table performs a similar massage treatment as one of those fancy massage chairs but in a more effective manner. Where the massage chairs fail? They forgot about gravity. The idea behind intersegmental traction is to take the pressure off of the disc and nerves between adjacent vertebrae by increasing the space (tractioning) between the vertebrae. A much harder goal to accomplish if the vertebrae are stacked one on top of the other. So why not lay down and take gravity out of the equation? Laying down removes the compressive pressures between the vertebrae by removing gravity and therefore can more effectively manipulate the segments. To achieve true traction the table must take the compressive pressures off of the inter vertebral discs and nerves. As the rollers pass between 2 adjacent vertebrae, the roller will raise and push back one segment while raising and pushing forward the other segment. The roller raising and moving these segments away from each other constitutes traction. The perfect treatment for everything from sore back muscles to disc disorders or nerve impingements
Game Ready Cryo-Compression System
An Injured Athlete’s Best Friend. The Game Ready System brings R.I.C.E. from and ice pack and an Ace Bandage wrap to a whole new level. Aside from our clinics, you can find a Game Ready System on the bench or in training rooms of almost every Pro team out there. The system contains different sleeves that cover joints from the shoulder to the fingers and toes. These sleeves have a network of bladders that fill with air and water. The Game Ready reservoir pumps ice water through the water bladder to cover the entire injured joint. While the ice water is circulated around the joint, the air bladder inflates to put uniform compression on the entire joint and relaxes to release the pressure. So, the entire system keeps the joint at a constant ideal icing temperature while “milking” the swelling away with repetitive compressing cycles. The overall effect is a more potent treatment for pain, swelling, bruising, and overall tissue damage associated with sprains/strains. Just add Rest and Elevate to the way Game Ready System does R.I.C.E. and you have the most dynamic and effective treatment for joint sprains or muscle strains in the industry. From sore pitching shoulders, bumped elbows, jammed fingers, to pulled hamstrings, shin splints, rolled ankles, and the bad backs in between - this is the treatment that is guaranteed to get you Ready for the next Game faster. You can either join a professional sports team or call us for The FIX.
VertiMax can accomplish many things for atheles, including the Vertical Jump because it is able to maximize both explosive leg power and arm swing velocity to maximize the vertical lift component leading to superior vertical jump performance gains.
…And so much more. Schedule an appointment today to figure out what THe Chicago fix can do for you.